Term 4 has seen a busy start and it shows no signs of slowing down. The kids are working away and trying hard to cope with not just 2 teachers now but 3 as we have a student teacher in the class. She has been working on developing her tech skills to engage the kids and improve her own knowledge. It's really good to see that change happening as student teachers come through the classrooms.
One thing that I have loved seeing from my students over the last few weeks is an increase in their ability and use of the tools like glogster for use at home. Last week we had the treat of watching a video that 2 students had created on their digital camera and then edited in Movie Maker at home. It seems to be that more of them are beginning to create digital content showing their own personality and interests. They are showing more ownership in their blog and in posting work throughout the day and evening on it. We rarely have a week pass where on a daily basis someone shouts out our new clustrmap numbers or that there is a new dot on the map from "where is this place???"
It would be great to see the kids become a bit more productive in what they produce with the tools. Some of them are on their way with this and bringing in content that shows a range of thinking and focus - am still enjoying the content that they bring in and am looking forward to seeing what they bring in, in the following few weeks!
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