Thursday, February 26, 2009

Breakout 4 - Engage vs Involve

2Touch - Engage vs Involve
Notes from breakout 4 - thoughts in italics.

Engage - can be engaged but not active particpant
Involve - students have ownership

Waste of time preparing alot of lessons.
Students having more ownership in making lessons and creating lessons.

Asking questions vs delivering information.

More spontaneous.

More time in background questions etc

Prompts through core collection of prompts - videos, hyperlinks etc

Performance style - students being up front, in front of peers. Pressure/Risk taking.
Participation in front of peers.
(How does this work when students are still seen with the optivote - how is this low risk??)

Responses can be seen or be anon when voting with optivote.
Give a quick quiz on previous session - good feedback.
Becomes part of the session. - voting system.
wordwall - pc version only - wordpad voting system being developed.

Clicker systems via Manzana website.

Competition element - good for boys.

Collaboration through sharing and working on ideas.
Wordwall concept developed into IWB (Wordwallweb)

Wordwall linked to google images.

Concept question - 40-50 minutes.
Responding and interacting with others based on this.

Closed vs open questions capabilities of voting systems.
Watched a video that spoke of still having possible anxiety in getting th answer right.

Active Participation.

Review of 2Touch from Visible Procrastinations

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