Conferences are always a great chance to work alongside and network with old friends and new. A chance to confirm learning, understanding and also as a springboard towards new ideas and movements. Which is extremely important in education.
Today was day 1 of the ITSC Conference in Auckland. ITSC is an Apple educational conference that lasts 2 days and brings in expertise from Australia and New Zealand through the ADE's (Apple Distinguished Educators). It has been an amazing day of new ideas, confirming understandings and networking with a range of people from around the upper North Island and further afar.
I learnt a lot of new things today which was really great for me. By far the most amazing part of the day was the workshop with Jess on Accessibility. The workshop looked at what simple mac applications are built into every mac that we can use to cater for learning needs students in our classrooms. This was a highlight as she showed most easiest and simplest ideas that will make big differences for some of my learners.
The other highlight of the day was having the chance to play with an iPad and iPod touches. We have been given an iPod touch to play with over the 2 days and I am more and more hooked as I check out the range of apps that are available for the apples. After talking to Belinda there are more and more ways that these could be used effectively in the classroom.
Here you will find notes on the conference in general.
Here you will find notes on the Accessibility workshop with Jess.
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