Saturday, September 5, 2009

Speed Dial

For those of you using Firefox you will know about all the funky themes and helpful add-on's that compliment Firefox. One add-on that Anita (our school techie) passed on to me this week was Speed Dial.

I always have my Firefox set to open up on a minimum of 7 of my most visited websites everytime I start up Firefox. But Speed Dial is a helpful tool so that I always start with only one tab. Speed Dial works a little bit like a sharetab (example here), where you can view small screenshots of a website. Click on the website you want and it opens it in a new tab... very handy!

The great thing about Speed Dial is that it is highly customisable - right down to the size of the windows, how frequently you want them updated and the colours of each of the boxes. It's very easy and simple to use.

Perhaps you have a great Firefox add-on that you use and could share? I would love to know about it!


Rachel Boyd said...

I've just downloaded Speed Dial, it looks great. Funny thing was I filled my 9 spaces super quickly lol. Should be useful, cheers :)

Heymilly said...

Hey, I flicked you a tweet but just so others who read this know! You can change the settings from the default 9 spaces to many more, depending on how big you want the thumbnail to appear! You can also set up groups - which are different tabs with groups of links i.e. Education, Fun, Photography etc Very handy!

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