Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lead Teacher Day - eastnet Cluster

eastnet Cluster Wiki Agenda

Pinwheel Sharing:

I shared using google docs forms to create quizzes as part of a independent Blooms Taxonomy reading contract. See Mega 25 blog and take part! Also shared Quietube - a way of removing all the excess videos, comments etc from around youtube videos.

LR - Keynote hyperlinking.
KT - iMove '09 version to create Te Reo Maori lessons.
J - Scholastic Story starter
LR - Interactive news reader - CBBC


Coach role: being supportive, listening, paraphrasing, questioning, allowing teacher to come up with own ideas and solutions.

Trust and respect is necessary to allow coaching to happen in an effective way. Needs to be taken as a way of upskilling and developing good teacher practice and reflection rather than a negative.
**Able to video conference easily
**Easy pages.
**Owner logs in - but can make public and anyone can access and take part in.
**Would be good for cross class collaboration with the audio features.
**Can draw and write - shapes, stamps etc also

** Cannot change page without changing the page for everyone.
** You can delete other peoples ideas and comments.

Presentation Zen
Presentation Zen Blog

Core Area - Presentation Zen Philosophy
Preparation - Restraint
Design - Simplicity
Delivery - Naturalness

An approach to presentation.
Avoid the slideument - slide and document together.

Digistore: Fiona Grant
Digistore Site

How are you using e-Learning to support these areas:

Making Connections: Wiki's <-Little Language Experts project, classroom booktalk. Blog. Skype. Learnz field trips. Electronic books from Learning Media.
Facilitating Shared Learning:
Classroom booktalk project, Skype, Wallwisher
Creating supportive learning environments: Glogster edu, Blog, Wiki, Knowledge Net,
Enhancing opportunites to learn: Blog, Youtube, NZHerald, BBC, Digistore tools

Down the back of the chair

eisforlearning Wiki - Fiona
Pedagogy and eLearning

New software to be launched at ULearn
Digital Pathways

How to support using DLO's in the class...

Planning stage:
Identifying digital content during planning stage.
Linking them to learning management system -> use the URL
NZMaths - look for maths content here rather than on Digistore.
Put the username and password next to the link -> print them for in class use.
Students can access from home as well, if password is known.
Students understand Copyright and the Conditions of Use of Digistore.
Using advanced search in google: search word and search site.
e.g. Maths in advanced search
Te Ara

Software for Learning
Software For Learning Site
Software For Learning Wiki

Examples of students work across NZ:
StudentDigitalWork on Delicious

1 comment:

Belinda said...

Thanks for all the links for today's session! You've saved me a heap of work .... Sorry you had to miss some of the session - we did miss you!

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