
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daily 5

Daily 5 is simply...

Work on Words
Read to Self
Read to Someone
Listen to Reading
Work on Writing

I'll explain more about the key areas in the blog post but first I want to explain about the process that got me interested in and using the Daily 5 model in my class.  I've found over many years that I've not been entirely happy with my Reading programme and the things that were happening as part of it.  I've had some definite successes throughout the years but nothing that has sit in that 'good place' alongside my philosophy for what I want.  This year I felt really unhappy with the written content of my "Reading" programme and that this was becoming the main way they would respond to books.  I can't think of the last time I sat down and wrote a bunch of information or answered questions after I read a book. But I CAN think of many times where I will talk about the book - retell it, share events, get excited and talk about all the aspects of the book with other people.  I was seeing students who were not that keen on reading as it meant written tasks afterwards.  I don't ever want to discourage a student from the joys of reading just because of the written tasks.  So along came several days, hours and minutes rigorously searching the internet and talking to people via twitter about what they were doing and why?  Some great conversations and I thank all those that answered questions and sent through examples of Reading setups and planning!

Daily 5 kept coming through on several searches and when it was combined with the idea of the CAFE model, this is when I saw that it was something that would fit in with my classroom and the kids I had in front of me this year.  So I spent many more hours searching through a range of websites and blog posts before I jumped onto Book Depository and ordered the books; 
The books are fantastic, practical and easy to read.  They explain where/how the programme was developed from, how to implement it and also how flexible and adaptable it can be.  This is one of the main things I love about the programme - it's structured but flexible in allowing you to change and alter what you want. There are people who are using the programme across the world from NE classes through to Year 7/8 - for more information check out the weekly Daily 5 chat (#d5chat on twitter).

So, onto the basics.  Daily 5 is an independent management system where the students take part in 5 daily activities.  In our class we do 3 of the activities a day - this is based on the time that we have.  The 3 activities are based around spelling, reading, listening to reading and writing.  Students have anchor charts that help to remind them what they are expected to be doing during each activity.  This is created with the kids and is what I come back to when the kids are off task.

The students come in at the start of the day and set about self selecting the tasks that they want to complete.  They each have 3 names in 3 different colours (1 colour for each rotation).  There are 3 rotations and they must select a different task for each one.  There is a number next to each activity which lets them know how many students can be on that activity in each rotation.

At the end of the session the kids complete a checklist that helps them keep track of what they have completed for the day/week and what they need to do.  It helps me identify those kids that will avoid certain activities and give them ideas/feedback and to spend some time with them to help them get under way!

A quick overview of each activity:

Read to Self
This is about independent reading.  
Finding a quiet space to read to themselves aloud or in their head.  

Read to Someone
This is about reading in a pair or three. 
Finding a quiet space to read to their group and talk about their book.

Listen to Reading
This is about listening to good models of reading.
Most students do this on their iPods or the laptops.  My aim was to have the students recording stories for each other, but unfortunately we haven't gotten there yet.  It's on my list for next year for sure!

Work on Writing
Developing a love of writing - comics, newspapers, poems and more.  All the free writing that the students don't get to do in the dedicated writing sessions during the week.  This is about writing for enjoyment and fun - self selected topics and styles.

Work on Words
Spelling or Grammar. This is about teaching spelling rules and grammar.  We have worked on spelling sounds through to words like homophones/homonyms.  I select these based on needs in the classroom and set up weekly/fortnightly word lists from there.

So, this is the basic information behind Daily 5.  There are an amazing amount of websites, links and places you can go to for more in-depth information.  This is really a quick overview and I would recommend getting your hands on the books to read if you are keen on looking at implementing Daily 5 in your classroom.  Some of my favourite sites are:

Next post will focus on what I am doing while the kids are working on the Daily 5 tasks 
- the CAFE model!


  1. Hi Amanda,
    What an awesome post. I have read and re-read it and think it makes so much sense. I really struggle with learners being put off reading by the activity too. I am looking forward to finding out more about this! I have a year 6 class for 2012. What level do you have?

  2. Hey Anne,
    I am just so keen and passionate about this system and how it works. Next year I have year 5/6 and I am going to do some tweaking to the Daily 5 tasks. Am thinking I'll include iRead (where they record themselves in garageband and listen to it) and some book review or reciprocal reading type group chat. Lots of ideas, am looking forward to the holidays to rethink and play with some ideas! Seems to be lots of year 5/6 twitterers next year, very exciting!

  3. Very exciting indeed! I have just ordered 'the third teacher' - really keen to look at some of the Reggio Emilio thinking... I am very keen for collaboration and sharing of ideas... I think the power we have to collaborate, share and support must be harnessed to improve outcomes for our learners. I am just preparing a presentation for my parents - I am meeting with them before the end of the year... Must research more on daily five to include some of that as it fits..., thanks again! You INSPIRE me!

  4. My friend has a reading blog for her learners... I am complementing this idea... and also, reading snippets of stories on to the blog to promote the book.
    Also, very keen to explore the potential of QR codes in readers...

  5. Oh I some of the Reggio stuff I have come across - was supposed to go to the free evening as part of the conference in the holidays but couldn't go. Would love if you could keep me in the loop via tweets/blog posts etc about what you are doing. Sounds like you have some great things planned for next year! I'm super keen to collaborate on a project so we might need to organise a skype call! I think for Year 6 the biggest part I am keen to keep running is the CAFE model which I'm going to blog about in the weekend, so keep posted! Thanks for your awesome words - I think you are going to have an amazing time with your class next year after all of your travels! :)

  6. Hi Amanda

    Thanks for your post. I've been meaning to find out more about Daily 5 and you've inspired me (just ordering books from Book Depository now). Thanks - will no doubt have some questions for you as I get started!

  7. Hi Amanda - I've got the books via kindle - this is the perfect scheme to round out how I love to teach - I've sort of been doing things like this but in a really loose way - this will tighten it up heaps for me (Y5/6 next year) - and I'll introduce to my two co-teachers as well - that will make things flow really well when I have a mix of kids working with me.
