Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jog The Web

At the ERA3 Conference Jackie shared the website Jog The Web.

It's quite a handy wee tool where you can gather up a range of websites with directives, guiding questions or cues for the students to think about as they view each website. The layout of the page is simple and makes it very easy for students to navigate.

At the top, left of the page in the dark grey box is the navigation box. To the right are the steps which is where you are able to place questions and directives for the people navigating the websites. Down the left hand blue side it lists all the website that are part of the 'jog'.

Here is an example pnelso created about Web 2.0 Tools For Kids.

1 comment:

Angela Lee said...

What a great little tool!

Will be showing this to teachers at school in the next edition of ICT News :)
It will be useful for teacher training too, comments alongside great websites would be great!

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