
Friday, February 27, 2009

Breakout 7

Effective ICT Planning

Dominion Road School

Old stuff: skills/nothing
Skills stages based on three stages: getting started/exploring/extending stages
Broken up in to areas such as software/multimeda etc

Skills were isolated

Developed to ICT unit plans next.
Stand alone plans.
Plans covered: Learning Intentions/KC/I/Learning experiences/Assessment
Gave teachers focus - allowed for reassurance for unsure teachers.
Made ICT a standalone thing.

ICT overview next
You don't have to do them all - but have programmes and tasks that were to be completed in each term. PD provided based on certain things.
Teams then planned to incorporate what they wanted into their term plans.
No freedom to allow - what happens if it doesn't fit with what you want to do?
Still not fitting with what is happening - still stand alone.

Planning still not utilising ICT as a tool.


ICT to enhance conditions for brining in ideas: youtube/kid pix/linksw etc
Developing and enhancing - looking at each of the LIs
Teachers take ownership over the ICT implementation.
Teachers are stepping outside the square and the teachers are becoming more open.

Skills = no substance

Language of SOLO

Hyperlink from plans to skill videos etc
Apple tutorials and how to's e.g. iLife '09

The why for coverage?

ICT to enhance conditions for learning - windows

Sharing the ideas - planning ideas as a whole school.
Working with all the syndicates.
Choose the element from the list that works for you and your room.

Allows for specific PD for those teachers.

Retrospective planning.

Identifying elements that work for specific planning and equipment that they have.

Quality vs quantity of coverage.

Do your students know how to choose an ICT to help develop ideas and find the right tool to make this happen. Can my kids bring in 2 different ways to link ICTs to learning. - Pam

Give students your learning intention and kids plan elements of ICT to incorporate.

We are learning to describe the groups we belong to and why they are important....
ICT to enhance conditions for learning:

* Kidspiration mapping
* Picture libraries - visual language - defining groups by images
* Voicethread - prior thoughts on groups based on images
* Photos of themselves - what they want to belong to.
* iMovie - what it looks like e.g. speaking politely to others

See L@S presentation for more.

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